Saturday, July 2, 2011

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  • mmanurker
    02-15 02:27 PM
    Donated $100...

    Your receipt number for this payment is: 4620-5387-3448-6682

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  • aquarianf
    04-25 10:39 AM
    It high time that these guys get kicked on what ever, I have seen so many of my friends frustated due to non payment and get scarred to do anything against it..... I appreciate your courage , If they do bussiness and employ people they should legally pay, So many poeple come from India with kids and family and suffer so much when they are not getting paid on bench...I can only sympathise with their situation , Shame on such bussiness...BLOOD SUCKERS, MANIACS . I would say USCIS should create a law to punish these blood sucking monsters.
    Training, H1b ...etc takes money what he not stupid(desi employer) to do it for free , He makes altleast 10 times of what he spends in just 6 months when the candidate is on project.

    I am sure I am going to get a lot of negative feedback for posting this in from hiding desi employers

    I agree with some of your points but you are not helping on anything here by appreciating OP's courage. If OP gets into law suite and if it requires lots of money would you be willing to donate some money to fight law suite because it will not only help OP but it will scare such shameless employer that there people out there in community who are willing to help if they do something wrong with employees.

    I agree with you that such employer should be punished but it is more important to create awareness about their practice specially among people who just come from India and then get into trap of such employers. But many people do so even after knowing the facts about desi employers. Every thing has risks and rewards, and many people know risks but they get into it for rewards.

    It seems that INS is very serious about holding back wages issue I think first thing people do is to file complaint with INS. See my previous post on this.

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  • H1Girl
    04-30 01:01 AM
    I thinks EB3 INDIA will move between 9/11/2001 to JAN 2004 , because after 9/11 probably few people applied for GreenCrd because of market condition, even h1b quotas are not used for 2002 and 2003, i applied for h1b on 2004 April , no surprise the quota available because of market condition.

    This could be dream. I have been waiting for last 4 Yrs to see my date to be current. It took 3 Yrs to move just 6 months. Mine is 12/2001(EB3-India). 2 more months..sorry 2 more years to wait...

    I don't blame anyone. EB3 are less educated or less skilled than EB2. America wants Highly educated. They process EB2 first. Any leftovers Visas will be given to EB3 guys. Hence EB3 people have to face long waiting. This is my understanding of how they process EB3...

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  • yabadaba
    05-09 02:14 PM
    i was feeling a lil down too for the last cupl of days...responding to some of those posters/reading their comments on alipac really brought me down.

    however i m feeling better now seeing the drama on immigration portal june visa bulletin thread...not that i am a drama monger.. but seeing drama between two professionals really spices things up.. why else are boxing and wwf interesting


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  • gc28262
    03-06 05:22 PM
    Section 202 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) states that the per-country limit for preference immigrants is set at 7% of the total annual employment-based preference limits. This means a country with large population like India and a tiny country like Lichtenstein get same number of visa numbers. This system is designed to systematically discriminate people from India and China by preventing them from attaining employment visas. More research needs to be done whether this constitutes a violation of US Equal Employment Opportunity Law. We need to find out whether this constitutes discrimination by national origin. Below is is some relevant reading material:

    This link says employer cannot discriminate based on country of origin.
    USCIS/government is free to discriminate against country of origin.

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  • anil_gc
    08-09 10:37 AM
    Did you notice any change in the LUD of your pending or previously approved cases??

    No, I have not created an online account


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  • maag
    05-30 10:02 AM
    fundo...i am doing landing tomorrow
    the application for PR says that enclosed photo is my photo or something like i was wondering will they require photos.
    I have used AP already and my I-94 states AOS

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  • ocpmachine
    09-03 06:17 PM
    Paper filed EAD for me and wife on June26..TSC RD -June30..CPO on Sep'02.

    Looks like people whose RD is around last week of June'08 are getting EAD approved...Good luck.


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  • BharatPremi
    09-29 09:19 PM
    Please see my signature.

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  • romeshtrisal
    09-14 01:07 PM
    finally got to know from my bank that checks were encashed. checked the receipt nos. on back of checks. notice receipt date is 10the sept.
    i had mailed the papers on july 27th and NSC receipt date was 30th july.


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  • sss9i
    05-23 07:56 AM
    I sent to Mr.SessionsMr.Graham and Mrs.Clinton

    Dear Senator:
    Good morning~

    Subject: Treating the currently backlogged legal skilled immigrants at parity with undocumented immigrants and family-based applicants in the Immigration Reform bill S. 1348.

    Immigration Voice ( represents the interest of 500,000 legal skilled immigrants in the United States on the path to green cards who have been stuck in enormous backlogs and delays in immigration process.

    The career growth, job mobility and qualify of life of these half a million legal skilled immigrants is subverted by the bill in its current form.

    1. Section 501(b) reduces the number of green cards to legal skilled immigrants from the current 140,000/year to 90,000/year and diverts the major portion of those green cards to future low-skills guest workers under the Y visa program. Instead of increasing that number to reduce the backlogs this section take a step backwards and would exacerbate the backlogs. On the other hand, 503(f)(2) of this act would allocate an estimated 11 million green cards over a time frame of 5 years – 2.2 million a year – to undocumented immigrants. Immigration Voice requests congress to treat legal skilled immigrants at parity with undocumented immigrants and increase the number of green cards to at least 250,000 for 5 years for currently backlogged applicants defined under Sec. 502(d)(2) in order to reduce to current backlog before the untested points based merit system is functional.

    2. Immigration Voice requests congress to waive per-country ceilings on backlogged petitions to be processed under Sec. 502(d)(2) in order to make the backlog reduction more efficient. The bill provides a very similar waiver from per-country ceilings to family based pending petitions in section 508(b).

    3. Immigration Voice requests congress to allow legal skilled immigrants to file for adjustment of status for those applicants who have been certified by DOL to be doing jobs no US citizen is willing qualified or able to do. This would be at parity with provisions for undocumented immigrants who would qualify for instant work permit (probationary card) that allows them to work without employer sponsor and without department of labor’s certification by simply by registering.

    Immigration Voice strongly opposes the bill S 1348 in its current form and requests congress to amend this bill and treat the legal skilled immigrants at parity with undocumented immigrants, future guest-workers and pending family-based applicants.


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  • dtekkedil
    07-11 11:41 AM
    Viceroy Lord Wavell and his assistants laughed when M.K. Gandhi told them that one day they will be forced to leave India. What they did not understood that they were not politicians, they were bureaucrats. When the political power behind peaceful civil disobedience was unleashed, a nation took shape, and what Gandhi told Wavell became a reality.

    Something similar repeated in United States recently when thousands of legal immigrants were given a cold shoulder, despite of their merit based claim for an American Green Card. They decided to apply Gandhian way of peaceful protest by sending thousands of flower bouquets to USCIS, an American agency responsible for immigration and citizenship. Instead of offering an apology, USCIS chief decided to again ignore the immigrants and simply issued a statement that the flowers will be forwarded to the injured service members recuperating at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Once again a bureaucrat miscalculated the power hidden behind a peaceful protest. Now the power behind flowers is becoming a media mainstream story. NY Times, Washington Post, Reuters, Yahoo News are a few to name. Bollywood, has recently issued a statement providing its full support to Immigration Voice, the non profit organization behind the flower campaign.

    An American way of fighting injustice "A law suit" is on its way, the usual rallies and demonstrations are about to begin. However, in America, its first time after Martin Luther King Jr., that someone has tried to apply Gandhi's way to fight injustice. It is yet not clear that what would be the outcome of this campaign, but there are rumours that USCIS is already discussing internally to reverse the discriminatory decision which resulted in this flower campaign causing enough embarrassement to them.

    Its amazing to witness that 60 years after Gandhi's demise, his ideology is still relevant. We are sure its gonna remain relevant till there are Lord Wavell's in this world. Wavell's can momentarily laugh thinking that unorganized immigrants are helpless, but when the peaceful protest will demonstrate its political power, they surely will realize what Gandhi and Gandhian ways are all about.

    Are you a journalist by any chance? :D


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  • BharatPremi
    09-27 10:38 PM
    My signature speaks the updates.

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  • coloniel60
    06-11 01:17 PM
    When I asked my employer to send me an employment letter so that I can file my I-485 application on my own, my employer insisisted that I mail him all the I-485 documents and a check for $2500 on his name and that he will add the employment letter and mail the application to USCIS.

    Apart from gaining $1000 (2500 I sent him - 1500 for I-485 fees) does the employer benifit anything by mailing the application himself. Am I correct in assuming that I will receive the receipt notice even if the employer mailed the application to USCIS (He is not using a lawyer to represent me)? :confused: :confused: :confused:


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  • foobar2001
    09-02 08:57 AM

    folks who got their GC recently - i was wondering what the post "card production ordered" timeline looks like. How long did it take to get the GC in hand once the CPO email/LUD was received, and what other updates did you receive along the way?

    thanks and good luck to all.

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  • akhilmahajan
    02-09 02:29 PM
    Chantu, sorry to hear about your situation.
    I hopw you find a job soon.

    Here is how you can make the #25 contribution.
    Just sign on to and send money to


    Though I have lost my contract this week and searching for new opportunity, I want to contribute $25.

    But how do you contribute $25? I can see links for $50/$100 etc.



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  • phillyag
    08-25 06:38 AM
    The Last updated date for my I -485 application is showing as 8/24/2010 now.
    What does that mean ?

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  • ca_immigrant
    02-01 11:48 PM
    All the best asdcrajnet.. Both countries are equally good, we have lived in both.. so we know how to adjust..

    Few points that you may need to find out before you go..

    1) Apply for POI for your kid, you may have already done it. There is a restriction that you need to visit nearby police station every 180 days if your son is in India (because he is a US citizen), try to find out more about that and see what you can do to avoid it (may be get a India visa as opposed to a POI)
    If you go to a police station, 100% guarantee they will ask for a bribe or make things difficult for us.
    2) The school fees for non-Indian citizens is very high, because your son falls under NRI category, try to find out about it, and if possible share with us too.

    Everything is good back home but there are few issues which I see are a problem,

    1) Nothing moves ahead without bribery, if we need our stuff to move up the queue, say if it is land registration or getting approval for something - it will not move with bribery and any govt office related work we need to wait a lot and service is bad, unlike here in US there is no bribing and things are so streamlined and good. We can talk about ethics and moral values and not give bribe but then our need will never get fulfilled for years if we decide to go as per queue.
    2) If you are in IT, the work hours are horrible, most of IT companies are outside city limits, we will end up going early in the morning and return late night (because hey we need to talk to onsite guys). If an employee leaves at 5:30 or 6 PM it means there he is not working - not sure when this culture would change there. Again most of them work on saturdays, so only sunday is a holiday, here in US i can leave work at 5 PM or 5:30 and come home and spend time with family.
    3) Commute is very tough back home - too much traffic than what the roads can handle, there is traffic in US too but it is decent traffic, everyone follows rules and lane sense is there. Back home it is really horrible.

    For your PD you have waited for a long time, I would suggest you wait for 1-2 more years and give it a try. We can always go back to India no one is going to stop us, but the return is not very easy. Nowadays h1b approvals and stamping has become a nightmare.

    All the best in whatever decision you make. Everything is for good :)

    Is OCI an option ? I am actually a little confused as to what happened to the OCI option now a days ?
    My daughter is 5 and is a US citizen and we got an OCI for here in 2006.

    Now we have a son who is 5 months and looks like OCI is not an option anymore...and we will have to get a PIO...

    Also I think for the PIO have to report to the police...only if you are above 18....

    On bribery...I know it was a big issue before...but I thought people are more scared to take bribes now a days due to the way there are hidden cameras everywhere...
    I magine taking ur iphone and trying to bribe a cop back home (while recording) .... -:)

    yes, I myself have bribed some idiot policemen , when I was still in India in 1999-2000.
    ek tho paise lethe hein aur upar se chilate bhi hein...they take moeny from you and also yell at you...(yes when you are quite younger they do not respect you and just take money from you for all weird reasons)
    ...I wish I had a iphone then which could record the @#%#$^%$^

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  • sent
    03-26 09:09 AM
    Just curious

    EB3-India with PD 2003 and before - Most will be out by December 2008 -
    Perhaps 10% may still rot in NC further.
    EB3-India with PD JAN 2004 - DEC 2004 - Most will be out by August 2009
    Perhaps 20% may still rot in NC
    EB3-India with PD JAN 2005 - April 2005 - Most will be out by April 2010
    Perhaps 5% may still rot in NC
    EB3-India May 2005 Onwards - Can not predict - It is good to look for other
    options and that option certainly MUST not
    be switching to EB2

    09-18 01:51 PM
    My 485 pkg reached NSC at 11.14 am on July 16,2007 signed by F.Heinauer.

    Still waiting for the receipts..

    In your case, I think u should give it a day or two.

    Could you please let me know whether your # starts with LIN or SRC?


    Hello Everyone,

    My checks were cashed yesterday. My application reached NSC on July 14. My I-140 was also approved from NSC.

    I got the receipt numbers from the back of the checks, however when I entered them on the USCIS website, it said that the numbers were invalid. Any idea if I need to wait another day or so before the system will accept them?

    Good luck to everyone still waiting...

    02-04 10:42 PM
    I landed in June 2006 in Toronto. If anybody needs information please feel free to ask.


    I am planning to do landing in Canada in the next couple of weeks. Anyone want to join me or willing to share information and knowledge? I am thinking of going to Toronto. Please send me a private message.


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