Saturday, July 2, 2011

Quotes On Love And Pain

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  • anzerraja
    07-20 12:18 AM
    Thanks !

    I pledge $100 for this cause also.

    Would also like to thank Gopal (gsc999) for getting all the banners done and helping a lot in organizing the SJ rally.Kudos to all Noble souls in the IV Core. I think what IV has acheived is amazing and unprecedented. Also money is too small to repay all the hours and work you guys have put in.

    I am sure God will bless all of you with a timely GC :). Best Wishes again.

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  • Roger Binny
    05-09 09:15 PM
    Yup, kshitijnt you are right on target, we need to do some thing constructive and let our voices heard.

    BECSufferer made it right your anger.

    My intention was more to think in right way and discourage potential -ve result bound strategies.

    During presidential campaign there were all over promises on clearing backlogs, we can go on that basis and make a point of that.

    One thing is clear if they like to stop outsourcing sure they have to encourage and stream line legal immigration they cannot stop or survive but cutting outsourcing as well leaving this legal immigration in limbo.

    Besides what we can do at this juncture, keep our voices heard by contacting, writing letters.

    1. In a world leading country processing a decade back applications is not an encouraging trend to legal immigration, this may send a wrong signal to legal immigration over illegal immigration.

    2. Can highlight ecomonic point based on these math...
    Ex: 500,000 EB backlog persons contribution to the country, social taxes = xxx, medicare = xxx, travel=xxx, housing =xxx.

    Will add more.....

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  • Dhundhun
    12-15 11:26 PM
    It does not matter, you have to show +ve outlook, to perform and brings results - this is key to survival. Well, it is too personal, but:

    - I give one hour to body, mediatation, exercise, yoga
    - Sometimes I go to temple, spend 10-15 minutes


    As I mentioned, it is personal, different people will have different approach, as everyone is steering through. I am not sure how much it is going to help - sharing of information on this front.

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  • apahilaj
    11-25 08:20 AM

    Yesterday I got the response for my SR opened on 10/16 for still not receiving FP notice yet. The letter says that the processing on my case has been delayed since the background check on my application is still open. Please contact after 6 months if you still haven't heard back from us. My assumptions are:

    1. Since they did not mention any where in the letter about biometrics, they are talking about my 485 petition and not my finger printing notice. Guess they misunderstood why I opened the SR with them. Does that make sense?

    2.Is it possible that I haven't received FP notice since my background check is still in progress? I thought that these were two independent process...

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!



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  • nk2006
    02-11 11:39 AM
    Sent the check for $25 to the address provided by Akhil in the first post.
    Thanks for the effort.

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  • softcrowd
    08-12 02:13 PM
    Congrats vdixit....Were there any LUDs on your I-485 or any other apps, before the approvals?


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  • sanjayc
    08-18 08:41 PM
    Applied for EAD on 24 July 2008, recd today. Valid for 2 years from the date of approval. Though lost almost 2 months on the previous EAD.

    Mine AOS is EB2 - PD Aug 2006

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  • ajaykk
    08-26 10:34 AM
    On July 15th I have filed for renewal of EAD for both of us, today I got approval email where as my wife status says received and pending and NO LUD either. Infact she needs EAD as she is been working on EAD and it expires in October. I am on H1. Why like that? My PD will be current from September as per September bulletin.



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  • venkee
    07-20 06:30 AM
    I pledge $100

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  • PresidentO
    02-26 01:12 PM
    Thanks Akhil for the write up

    You answered some of the stuff very nice.

    To the guy who is MAD,

    Be MAD that you and your friends chose to ignore IV during the biggest screw up of USCIS.

    It sounded very condescending that they are ready to give 1000USD now, when they are probably feeling the pinch, and ignored any efforts before/during/after the fiasco.

    I did not say this the first time but now I can say this. People who say I will give 1000$ to IV, 10000$ to IV or the big amounts think that they are playing carrots and sticks. So you want the core members to come out and lay out the strategy on which member of congress is sympathetic to the situation and might do some thing. Yeah! right. Let the tunnel rat guy go and tell every guild, numbers usa idiot that what IV is up to.

    Money is one of the pieces of this effort. Grass roots efforts are another piece. As Akhil said, people who work at the grass roots efforts dont have the shareholder or value for my buck mentality. Also, my friend, in the current volatile environment, problems do not blaring horns out for you and me. I am still amazed how two reporters sensationally linked H1B and Banking industry to get a bill on the floor. It is those two reporters who called Grassley and ignited his draconian mind.

    Watch out what kind of reports are going to run in Mar and Moira Herbst already reported a bill in works by Durbin and Grassley. D & G will attempt to remove the 6th year extensions no matter what, revoke some of the AC21 provisions and god knows what they are penning down now. Then all of us, those who are sleeping, those who are pretending to sleep can wake up for real.

    It is a shame that our community will flock to Bollywood/Kollywood/Tollywood events and shell out 20-50 $ per seat but considers contributing to IV as some thing that needs to be seen through the magnifying lens 100 times.


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  • franklin
    06-17 08:06 PM
    It would be great if we kept this thread for receipt issues only but..

    Please read the Ombudsmans 2007 report pgs 17-21. These are not real processing times.

    BTW, I can't believe there are *still* people on this forum who haven't read this report -- it spells out absolutely everything that is going on/wrong with all our greencards, and you can't be bothered to read it?? :cool:

    Yes sir - off to do my homework:D

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  • tcsonly
    12-11 06:45 PM

    This was the most shocking thread I've read.

    Please read this...

    I recently personally heard of a person who was cured from a chronic cancer because of Pranayama.

    I'm passing you the email of the instructor who I know in Bangalore through a private message to you

    The English medicine system is not able to find cures for a lot of chronic diseases for various reasons such as commercialization of health care, and pharmaceuticals.

    A beginning to cure any chronic disease to take the toxic particles out of your body, and that can be done by drinking plenty of water.

    The above link has a lot of other recommendations and following them will certainly improve your condition within 2 to 3 months, and the doc's will surprise seeing that kind of change.



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  • eers
    07-09 03:12 PM
    emailed below to Houston Chronicle

    Dear Sir/Madam

    I am one of the skilled, legal applicants affected by the recent "Flip-Flop" of visa bullentins by USIS and DOS, and we are planning to protest against this decision the USCIS in a unique and peaceful manner - by sending hundreds, if not thousands of flower bouquets to the director of USCIS, Mr. Gonzalez on July 10th.

    Please refer to the attached press release for more information

    More information about this initative and the current f iasco is available at

    This is probably the first time when skilled, legal professionals are participating in an event like this at this scale and it goes to show the level of anxiety in the community right now. Would you be willing to write about this event ?"

    If we can provide any more information, please contact me or the email address provided in the press release link.

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  • Cali2006
    07-02 08:41 AM
    My status:

    Jul 2, 2007 7:24 AM

    At local FedEx facility



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  • GCBy3000
    04-06 02:56 PM
    Well said eager_immi. Getting GC and getting job and earning is not the only thing in life. I have seen many many couple who are gc holders and citizens, giving up their career to bring up the kids for the first few years. This segment includes US citizens ( US Origin) too. Most the of the americans here have their spouse at home to take care of their kids first few years. It is not worth anybody's time and money to have a kid and put them in daycare from day one and go out and earn and pay half of it to daycare and the remaining half you are left with is not even come close to the amout of time you spent away with the new born who needs your warmth and does not have words to express. So the time spent with your new born for the first few years is priceless compared to the dollar you dream to earn at the cost of having child.

    Enough of above, even my wife is CPA and we are married for 5 years now. She came to US dreaming about working in professional CPA firm. But my ignorance about GC process then cost her her career. She was depressed initially. I am an easy go guy and convinced her not to worry much about job. We planned and now we have 3+ year girl and a 3 weeks+ boy. Her mind is all set towards taking care of our kids and I am free from those job hunting depressions. Once both of our kids reaches 5+, she may again start to think about career. May be by then, by Gods grace, I hope to have my GC. I bought a house this year and we all live happily knowing all the uncertanites of H1. We knew it is risk to buy a house. But ultimately what is going to happen. Is anyone going to behead you in case you default or loose job? What the heck, file bankruptcy and go back to home country. At least the days we live here, we live in peace and enjoy. If you have this mindset, you will think clearly and will take positive decisions. Otherwise, everyday is hell in US for immigrants with the current GC process.

    Getting GC and earning is not everything. It is only very very small part of life. Forget about it and live today's life with what you have. Worry about things which you can control. All other things will follow you automatically. Having kids is in your hand and you have to have this sooner or later. Always, sooner the better and you can use this retrogression as an opportunity to execute those projects instead of worrying over it. GOOD LUCK.

    Listen, everyone is frustrated but to take your lives for a GC is crazy. If you guys are so depressed please seek medical help. If you have kids they will be US citizens they can sponsor you 18 years later so why are you that frustrated. When your wife is on H4 that is the best time to have kids because she is at home and you don't have to pay daycare. It is the woman in H1B that my sympathies are with bc they cannot go part-time or get more that 6 week maternity leave. So please buckle up or seek help, I don’t think your logic makes sense.

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  • raydon
    08-18 09:34 PM
    Applied for EAD (paper based) on July 18, 2008. I-765 approved 08/14. Received the cards in the mail today valid for upto Aug 2010. Losing 2 months since previous EAD was valid for upto 10/18.

    Surprisingly the application asked for 2-yr cards if the I-140 petition is approved. As far as I know, my petition is still pending approval at TSC. No LUDs or email updates or anything of the kind. Maybe I should check whether this means an impending I-140 approval or if it's in "approvable state".

    My category is EB3 - March 2004.

    Good luck to all for their respective approvals.


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  • HelloGC07
    08-07 11:52 AM
    Talked with IO today, No information about my application yet!
    Got new LUD dated 08/05/07 on already approved I-140
    I thought it meant something...I am so disappointed :(

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  • krishnam70
    07-05 02:03 PM
    There might not be any use, and it might not work, but we have tried to get attention thru media, lobby congress and fight our way through. Law-suit is something that will bring a lot of media attention, and also AILF feels there are strong grounds, so why not?.

    I think you need to read the grounds on which AILA and other think there is a strong case again. You dont understand the basic issue.. yes they can change the bulletin any time they want, that is perfectly within the law and yes they are not bound to pay compensation. However the fact that in making the dates current overnight and adjudicating so many cases in such a short time and actually requesting a visa # from DOS etc etc are all contravening the law and thats why there is a strong case..

    see this thread in IV for more info

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  • shreekarthik
    10-09 09:57 AM
    Why do you think FIFO is scientifically impossible? If you beleive that weather forecast is reliable like most of the Americans do, making the FIFO system work more effeciently without wasting even a single visa is possible.
    It is not necessary to issue the visa if the case is still pending for some reason, but if it has cleared all it has a visa number ready to complete the case. If all the visa numbers are allocated ( not necessarily issued) each year there will be no waste. There is no need to go back and recapture visa numbers because all visa numbers are already allocated. Obove all these reasons, those people with PD's as old as 1999 coming out from the BEC need not face another nightmare like first waiting for the I485 to become current before even he can file and then wait in the end of the queue for new applicants to move forward before having his case handled.
    This GC system broke because the system was revamped without taking into account the whole process.

    what are u comparing man. Weather forecast involves super computers. USCIS cannot even tell properly how many applications are delayed across what category. 2 months have passed priority dates have not moved at all. why ? USCIS is still trying to arrange all the 485s in ascending order of PDs. But every day FBI clears some amount of name checks. No one can predict what PDs those ones have. So just when USCIS thinks it has reordered everything FBI dumps some more. Now USCIS has to again reorder.

    07-05 12:18 AM
    Hey Friends -

    We need to keep a track of the number of flowers being sent. So if you are sending flowers, then make sure that you respond appropriately to the poll in this thread. It is very difficult to go through all the posts individually to figure out the total count.

    Let us please keep just this single thread active:

    11-17 04:51 PM
    Running this thread to thousands of pages alone is not gonna help us. Do you guys have a conference call where I can join and take up some action items?
    IF IV has to throw its might behind this bill we need to:
    -Reach out to ALL lawmakers, target who are susceptible (Sen. Brown from MA for example)
    -Use phone calls (Can we have a mass phone campaign)
    -Radio shows (Do we have a Radio show in Washington DC where IV can get Air time. I am sure lawmakers do listen to Radio shows)
    -Email (what this thread is about right now)

    Good points.
    I am sure IV Core is working on all strategies and will open a phone campaign at an appropriate time. Phone campaign will only work when the bill is taken up on the floor.
    Also, most lawmakers only pay attention to their constituents, sending emails to lawmakers other than the one representing you has little value.

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