Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dark Brown Hair To Red Hair

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  • manderson
    10-20 02:34 PM
    If there's a recession (even with a soft landing) in 2007, as many economists and Wall Street people are saying, and we don't get SKIL Act through congress during lame-duck session -- what will it mean for us? Will business lobbies still have a strong case to sell to lawmakers amid a recession?

    I am not trying to bring everybody down. Just weighting my options in case Plan A (i.e. SKILL Act) doesn't work. This looks like an analysis thread and a good place to play the devil's advocate...

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  • Macaca
    07-08 06:13 PM
    In Fox News this afternoon, the senator has explicitly said that the Chicago lady does not have any "constituional rights" since she is not American citizen. Go figure what they think about us.
    The case should not have been accepted if the lady does not have constitutional rights. Lets see if they reject the case on this basis after listening to Tancredo.

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  • sbanil
    09-20 10:37 PM
    Which number to call?? Do they ask all the details of lawyer as well??


    What is the phone number to call to get the status of application? My applicaiton received on July 2nd at Nebraska Center and still no receipt notice . Checks are not cashed either. Is there anyway to findout the receipt number?

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  • paskal
    07-08 10:41 PM
    the still unanswered question is why USPS bothered to make a 10pm delivery to an office!! :-)


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  • sam_hoosier
    03-13 11:02 AM
    Well, I am TOO depressed about the BEC performance. I know too many people are in same situation but I find myself "helpless" and at least i want to SCREAM......:mad:

    The moment you realize that the US is not the end of the world, you will stop feeling depressed.:cool:

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  • harikris
    09-10 07:55 PM

    There are several restrictions/constraints for many ppl for not being able to devote time/money for the general cause. Let's not fret about the reasons. While it would help for all ppl to join forces that should not distract the group that is doing something about the issues.

    And ppl on the sidelines - pls don't be a passive professional critique. However valuable your comments and ideas are they are useless without acting upon it - they are just like seeds sown in a barren land. The good work of the forum will continue without your presence. With your involvement we all can reach the goal that much more faster.

    My Labor certification is actually filed in the state of IL. But i am on an assignment in MD till Sep 2010 (after filing for relevant amendments).
    It's ~5 hrs drive for me to Baltimore/Washington-DC. So, coming every week for a meeting is not practical. I am extremely eager to support OUR cause given the commuting constraints. I have already written to our congress man here to bring to his notice the struggles of wannabee immigrants.
    So, where do i sign up?


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  • pointlesswait
    09-10 02:37 PM
    Instead of working on recapture..we must work on filing for 485 even if PD's are not current.. this way.. atleast in this recession ppl can be assured of some piece of mind.

    visa recapturing will not not being pessimistic..its just too much of a hassle...needs a law and all that.. too complicated.

    allowing to file for 485 can be bought back as a temporary relief..we should work on that!

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  • anzerraja
    07-20 12:29 AM
    Garika , Thanks !!!

    $100 from me too


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  • at0474
    12-16 12:31 AM
    Been in the US since 1998, have an EB-2 PD of 2001, have played by the rules all along. Still no GC... And, the dates are going back to 2000 from the new year.. I've lost hopes...

    I'm pretty close to getting clinical depression because of this game played by USCIS, Labor Dept, FBI and my own bad luck.

    SKILL bill, OMNIBUS, etc. comes and goes. IV does seem to be doing things to lobby for the community, but let's face one reality. Like a news article said, no one in congress or senate wants to touch immigration even with a long pole until 2009.

    The US has been very good to me (other than the GC part), more than my home country (India) which is why I'm still here.

    Have invested too much of time in this country to just pack up and go. Just curious if any of you feel this way? How do you handle such depressing feelings?

    --Hopelessness, negative thinking and depression are real feelings. Many people live in denial. Some realize and never express it till it consumes them completely. Some express it to their relief but may suffer from not knowing the reason causing depressed feelings.

    In your case , you are not in denial, you are expressing it and most importantly, you have identified the reason behind feeling hopeless and depressed.

    If you can do anything to solve the problem, then do it without worrying about the outcome. If the situation is beyond your control, you are not going to solve it by worrying more about it.

    Be in control. Don't let it control you.Keep yourself occupied by doing things that you like and entertain yourself.

    I am going through the same.Yours truly has been waiting for a settled life since 1998.

    Good luck.

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  • sledge_hammer
    02-12 04:07 PM
    So you basically want a piece of the discussion no matter you are involved in it or not. The OP asked for advice/opinion, and I had the right to respond because it is �asked�. Whereas you chose not to give your opinion, but just decided you wanted a beef with me, which proves that you have too much time on your hands for things that is not asked of you.

    After page 2, I went after only those who attacked me for being who I am, that is trying to be morally right. And today I went after gvenkat who wanted me to "grow brains", and also asked me if I think the OP should go back home, to which I provided my answer.

    So unless you were totally jobless, you had no business commenting. You only want to be a part of this discussion because somewhere inside you there is a conscience that is very guilty for not being what a person really should be. And what better way to kill that feeling than to shoot down anyone else that wants to hold people responsible morally.

    I understand where you're coming from. And the fact that you are still coming after me proves to me even more how your conscience is eating you from the inside.

    You have reading comprehension issues as well...if you get over yourself then you can comprehend things (let me be clear, I am referring here to my own posts and none of the other ones). You made your point on page 2 about the moral/ethical/legal perils of what the OP has done/proposing to do. You were fine with me. Continuously pointing out at other people as to how morally bankrupt they are (including your latest post) or how bad there comm skills are (written or otherwise) will certainly expose you to shots from others (like me). When you continuously point out others' morals then the presumption here is that you are squeaky clean. I pointed out, you are not. That is all. It does not mean, OPs post is morally/ethically/legally on the right side or I hold that opinion (actually I do not).


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  • jai007
    09-12 04:16 PM
    My I-140 is pending in TSC. I have applied I-485 for self and wife on July 18. Received by K.Lawson in NSC on July 19th 9.29 AM.

    Check are cashed today by TSC, saw the SRC# in back of my check.

    Waiting for original receipt.

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  • raju123
    07-06 09:42 AM
    In a mean time we should inform media for the flower delivery in a Mahatma Gandhi suggested way to protest injustice.

    Some one with a good English please draft a letter and we all will send it to all media.

    Media will not let it go...ALL THEY NEED IS NEWS!!! Which is new...Let us give a shot.

    Just idea.


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  • pani_6
    09-10 11:38 AM
    Is the Visa Bull right or the Mumbia console??..which :o one..

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  • ub27
    07-24 07:23 PM
    Like poste din another thread, I called USCIS customer service today to speak about EAD application that has been pending for 60+ days. The Phone rep told that he cannot give me any information about any cases right now since their "system is down". I asked for clarificationand he said that cases are still being processed but the system used to view status is down. Not sure what that means.

    Not sure if this will cause any more delays .............. I need EAD renewed by Sept since my current one expires then

    Also anybody has any ideas on what "Plan B" might be if renewal is further delayed by sept?


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  • msp1976
    03-08 01:07 PM

    This is another discussion derivative of Mr Gates testimony...
    All frustrated individuals...This is your chance to use you frustration for something constructive....Please post replies to some of the comments in there..

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  • mike_2000_la
    06-08 12:29 AM
    I think the real rush would be this week....


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  • gc4sk
    06-27 11:52 AM
    Diptam, Don�t leave the employer but force them to terminate you after 160 days of filing I-485. Don't clear any client interview and force them to pay you salary as it is employers job to give you work. Take rest at home on full salary. A time will come when employer will no longer afford to loose any more money and they will terminate you. Also ask for severance package when they terminate you.

    This is not a legal advice just a suggestion

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  • GCBy3000
    04-06 04:12 PM
    yes that is true. I did not had any problem with mortgage. Atleast as of today, it is illegal to deny mortgage based on immigration status. If you have any idea of buying a house, it is better to do it before any law changes if at all there is one in the pipeline as you(madhuri) suspect.

    It is all how you see your life. Just concentrate your energies on positive stuff you have. This will bring you more energy and most importantly, it will bring more for those who sorrounds you like your family. Peace in family is very important to pursue anything in life and especially career and that too as an immigrant in US without GC.

    I know many people who bought home while on H1B, including me. I did tell the Bank/Credit Union, I'm on H1B and my application for GC is under process and all they requested is to provide a letter from my employer about my employment, my h1b papers, etc and I'd no problem in getting a Mortgage Loan. This was a year back.

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  • jaihind
    04-24 11:41 AM
    Dear Friend:

    Do not give up hope.

    Take a second opinion.

    Go to India and spend time with your loved ones. Many times that heals things in a magic way !

    On your GC situation do these :

    1)Send an appeal to your local senator under CC to the Secretary of State, Homeland Security and the President to intervene and do some thing
    2)Send an appeal to the Director of USCIS in charge of AOS explaining the situation
    3)Consult a good attorney to know the options in the exiting scenario

    My entire family will say a prayer for you today at 8 PM. I request all IV members to join the prayers if possible.

    God Bless You


    05-12 09:23 AM
    USCIS case predictions made easier.... :)

    Also check out their Application Processing Statistics

    Recent Approvals Etc..

    These websites need an upgrade to atleast consider EB2/EB3 or ROW/Notrow.

    11-22 12:46 AM
    I was shocked to read your post and tears rolled on my cheeks. But I admire your determination to achieve your goal. Oh my God! You are a different kind of guy, Please don't lose your hope. I really don't know what kind of cancer and what stage are you at but I believe miralcles do happen. We all will pray for you. We wish you the best. I really want to say so many things but I don't know how.

    All I say is God bless you my friend, Keep fighting and never give up.

    An unknown friend

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