Tuesday, June 28, 2011

layers of skin

images external layer of the skin layers of skin. The skin has three layers
  • The skin has three layers

  • hpandey
    12-16 01:41 PM
    Been in the US since 1998, have an EB-2 PD of 2001, have played by the rules all along. Still no GC... And, the dates are going back to 2000 from the new year.. I've lost hopes...

    I'm pretty close to getting clinical depression because of this game played by USCIS, Labor Dept, FBI and my own bad luck.

    SKILL bill, OMNIBUS, etc. comes and goes. IV does seem to be doing things to lobby for the community, but let's face one reality. Like a news article said, no one in congress or senate wants to touch immigration even with a long pole until 2009.

    The US has been very good to me (other than the GC part), more than my home country (India) which is why I'm still here.

    Have invested too much of time in this country to just pack up and go. Just curious if any of you feel this way? How do you handle such depressing feelings?

    Believe me dude when I say that GC is not the real problem of being depressed. There are other so many kinds of problems in life which have no bearing on whether you have a GC or not . I personally have some of them and I wish they were gone . They are my priority and to me GC is just a vague distant dream .. if it comes true well and good or else life goes on.

    Health, family and friends come above anything and if you have all these lined up good and well they beat having a GC :)

    Get busy with anything that you can find .. maybe try making some friends and you will find "its a wonderful life !"

    wallpaper The skin has three layers layers of skin. the surface layer of skin.
  • the surface layer of skin.

  • sankap
    07-10 02:42 PM
    I'm not saying that "H-1B job is permanent:" you're inferring again! I hold that *no* job in this country is "permanent" (legally speaking). My question to you was if no H1B is "permanent" (as you opine), then how can you prove that the AC20 job on H1B is or isn't "permanent?" So if that job is not "permanent," how do you convince/mention that in as RVE-EVL?

    As per info on that page, it says clearly
    "The H-1B program allows an employer to temporarily employ a foreign worker in the U.S. on a nonimmigrant basis in a specialty occupation or as a fashion model of distinguished merit and ability"

    How can you say that any H-1B job is permanent? Now, you don't want to believe even the dol web page.

    I have always maintained that Permanent Job is a full-time work that has no fixed end date. H1B petition always have fixed end date.


    layers of skin. a layers of skin diagram.
  • a layers of skin diagram.

  • gc28262
    06-29 09:07 AM
    My question is -
    what are these "1000s of folks" doing? Are they waiting for someone else to work for their cause?

    If they believe they were wronged, they need to take action. Without any action, nothing is going to happen.

    And, yes, these is discrimination on the both side of the lines. Have you looked at the hiring practices of leading desi outsourcing/consulting companies in the US?

    Not a legal advice.

    Here is the contact info for registering a complaint.

    Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices (http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/osc/htm/contactus.htm)

    Office of Special Counsel Contact List
    Through a language interpreter service, we are equipped to assist callers in all languages.
    Mailing Address:
    U.S. Department of Justice
    Civil Rights Division
    Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related
    Unfair Employment Practices
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20530
    Main Number: (202) 616-5594
    Fax Number: (202) 616-5509
    Toll Free Information Number and Worker Hotline: 1-800-255-7688
    (202) 616-5525 or 1-800-237-2515 (TDD for hearing impaired)
    Employer Hotline: 1-800-255-8155
    1-800-237-2515 (TDD for hearing impaired)
    E-mail Address: osccrt@usdoj.gov. We will make every effort to respond to emails that relate to the work of this office within 30 days. However, for immediate assistance, please call our employer hotline (1-800-255-8155) or worker hotline (1-800-255-7688).
    Web Address: Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) -- Home Page (http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/osc)
    Special Counsel
    Deputy Special Counsel
    Katherine A. Baldwin
    Special Policy Counsel
    Margaret Hu
    Special Litigation Counsel
    Robin M. Stutman

    2011 the surface layer of skin. layers of skin. (outer layers of skin),
  • (outer layers of skin),

  • mantric
    12-16 05:22 AM
    here's my list. would love to hear others.

    1. listen to music.
    e.g. kishore songs.
    sing !

    2. read a good book.
    e.g. Emerson essay on compensation.
    "For everything you have missed you have gained something else."
    i think it's a very powerful essay for life.

    3. go to the gym. workout. jog. lift weights. play a game.
    table tennis really helps.
    resolve to be your fittest.
    adversity must make us stronger, not weaker.

    4. travel internationally
    take a trip to some country you've never gone to before.
    observe people's olympic struggles.
    it's part of the human experience.

    5. learn a new skill
    something you've always wanted to do but did'nt get around to.
    public speaking, dancing, singing...your choice.
    take a class at a community college or a university.

    6. go to temple or church or mosque.
    make a deeper spiritual connection with God.
    let him lift some of your burden.
    i listened to Hari Om Sharan after many years and experienced a real sense of joy.

    7. spend time learning about US government.
    get to know more about how government works. why does house vote differently than the senate ?
    get to know the 100 senators and 435 house reps. especially how they stand on legal immigration.
    our friends on the other side of the fence have done us a favor by organizing this information
    just reverse the grades. consider approaching reps/senators with your situation.

    8. learn from IV efforts of previous years
    many skills were introduced which could have helped us. what can we learn from what failed ?
    e.g. comprehensive immigration bill 2006. it passed in the senate but stalled in the house.
    Gandhigiri did work this year. it was a major success story we should celebrate and learn from.

    9. accept and enjoy the present.
    accept the present moment. breathe.
    enjoy nature - the sun, the moon, the heavens, fresh air and water. make new associations and friends.
    experiencing these gifts of life is enough to keep one happy.

    10. write it out.
    record the feelings you are going through in writing.
    capture the details.
    what was your journey, your expectations, your highs and lows ?
    you may see your struggles in a different light 10 years from now.


    layers of skin. layers of skin. layers of the
  • layers of skin. layers of the

  • mattresscoil
    11-18 12:17 PM
    Email sent to
    Senator George LeMieux (R-FL)
    Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)
    Representative Ander Crenshaw (R-FL 4th)

    layers of skin. (outer layer of the skin)
  • (outer layer of the skin)

  • life99f
    07-08 09:14 PM
    Give me a link to DC thread...

    Can you post this on DC thread..

    We have so far 46...


    layers of skin. the layers of skin closest
  • the layers of skin closest

  • vin13
    03-06 03:38 PM
    They are not going to do what you tell them, 5 year is just an example, people are waiting for 9 years. I say 5 becaue even ROW is 2 year back, so asking 2 would be like take it off...

    I completely agree with you. I was just trying to get a point across some of the members who just like to shoot down proposals.

    2010 a layers of skin diagram. layers of skin. external layer of the skin
  • external layer of the skin

  • bskrishna
    09-15 12:08 PM
    I have sent my contacts ..


    layers of skin. middle layer of skin
  • middle layer of skin

  • corba
    02-24 04:29 PM
    Receipt No: 2297-8392-3360-5210

    hair (outer layers of skin), layers of skin. involve all layers of skin
  • involve all layers of skin

  • atlfp
    05-05 10:36 PM
    He introduced the bill because he knows the problem very well. So we don't really need to flood him to push him (to thank him makes sense). The focus should be try to get other Senators onboard.

    keep pressure on Cronyn to put it on debate by contacting him by fone or fax


    layers of skin. infects top layers of skin
  • infects top layers of skin

  • bindoke
    08-23 02:45 PM
    Hi team,

    Just wondering usually how long does it take to get approval notice of I -485 once PD become current ? Any idea or any comments will be really helpful.

    Thank you.
    no one can predict that. It could be days or months.

    hot layers of skin. layers of the layers of skin. layer of skin with a hair
  • layer of skin with a hair

  • manishcp
    09-10 12:05 PM
    Follwoing user name person got his check cashed.
    His appication reached at NSC 11:14AM and signed by F HEINAUER


    house The Layers of human skin layers of skin. in the upper left hand
  • in the upper left hand

  • SKK2004
    08-25 02:08 PM
    Thank you, texcan. FP may not be requierd for EAD renewal or first-time EAD? Mine is first time EAD. So, eseentially no FP yet for 485 (filed August 07) and first time EAD (this August)!

    Thanks again!

    Congrats on EAD renewal. Enjoy and relax; please donot get in habbit of worry for anything and everything.

    Anyways, paper based ead renewal donot require finger prints. Search the forum, this has been stated many time.


    tattoo (outer layer of the skin) layers of skin. When skin is exposed to the
  • When skin is exposed to the

  • garybanz
    11-21 01:34 PM
    Lets us all Pray and hope for the best for Mehul

    May God give strength to your family and you to deal with this situation. I don't think any of us can do any thing to ease your family and your pain, but we will pray for you. You have all our wishes and support.



    pictures the layers of skin closest layers of skin. The skin is made up of two
  • The skin is made up of two

  • tikka
    05-23 11:17 AM
    I feel Faxing 1 page document with the critical issues will have more impact in addition to the emails .

    Can some body send the template for faxes and link to webfax also. I email 10 senate members until now

    can you share the email id's please. someone on the forum was looking for the emails.

    dresses layer of skin with a hair layers of skin. skin structure
  • skin structure

  • CADude
    10-05 10:35 PM

    10/05/2007: USCIS Receipting Delay - How Does This Affect You?

    The Ombudsman of DHS is scheduled to have a teleconference on this topic on 10/12/2007 from 2:30 to 3:30 pm, Friday. How do you participate? Click here.

    PLEASE NEVER UNDER-ESTIMATE YOUR EFFORTS OR POWER? Please contact if you wish to choose so.:D:D


    makeup middle layer of skin layers of skin. The Layers of human skin
  • The Layers of human skin

  • nashim
    06-02 08:44 AM
    Please share your experience, if any one come across this situation

    girlfriend When skin is exposed to the layers of skin. Five Layers Of Skin Bumper
  • Five Layers Of Skin Bumper

  • johnwright03
    01-31 11:27 AM
    so venkat, i have a qn for you? only people who studied here, got opt and h1 are the brainy people huh? In your opinion offshore people working here on H1b is cheap ass? Could you please enlighten everyone here as to how come you came to this conclusion?

    Folks please stop bickering...As someone said everyone is here to find a better life and enjoy the same...everyone has the talent..in one field or the other...and it's not that folks who have Master's from US are the only SMART people..!!!
    So, let's try to find a solution to nehas issue...I know so many people are looking for the same solution in this Economical Recession time...may be Nehas is on H1b but many are here on their final stages of GC and getting laid off....so, no one knows their fate until it happens..!!!
    And as far as I know...nehas status is illegal now...meaning one cannot stay on H1b without getting paid...and nehas should know that it would be hard for you to go for permanent residency in the future..!! So, nehas the best solution would be try to find a job ASAP or change status back to H4...!!! well going, to h4 is just your choice...and note that no one is forcing you to do so..but be reminded that you will have trouble going forward in the future for your GC...

    hairstyles infects top layers of skin layers of skin. The deepest layer is the
  • The deepest layer is the

  • vinabath
    04-23 09:32 AM
    I am not hitting on employers revenues, infact employer made money since two yrs because of me. The reason is, employer never got this project for me. It never had any business either with PF or with the client earlier. It was only because of my contact with the PF i got the project. i introduced the PF to my employer, have them sign a contract and since these two yrs my employer was able to place 4-5 consultants through the PF i introduced to them. Now tell me, how much my employer would have made because of me or other consultants??? Even after all this, he is being mean to me. these desi companies thirst for money is never ending. whereas consulatnts can never look up for a better life!!!!!!

    You have a case buddy. Since you got the project on your own and you needed an H-1b vehicle. you have a great argument if your employer goes to the court.

    12-03 02:20 PM
    Is there any way I can help you?
    If yes Please PM me

    04-11 10:48 PM
    Yes, that's exactly what I'm interested in as well: Landed and returned using AP. A first hand account would be great, so far people have only pointed to indirect references, which I'm not saying is useless, but like I said, first hand details would be the best...

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